Want not, try not

“I want to.” “I’ll try to.” “I’m going to.” “I am.”

Commit your self. As Yoda said: “Try not. Do or Do Not!”

A friend said: “I want to be a contractor.” I suggested: “You are a contractor, in the making.”

I’m running a marathon. It’s just that I’m at the crawl stage of my preparation. Then come walk, then run, then marathon. But it’s all running a marathon.

This is not about goal setting. It’s about doing. I envision myself crossing that finish line. First, I must start the race. That start may be I first need to learn to walk.

Fulfilling your life’s purpose starts when you commit to being it rather than wanting to or trying to. I am leading a men’s movement. Starts with three members. Then thirty, then …


We are all in this together


Don't pursue happiness or happier