We are all in this together

The tree-huggers like to say there is no away. You can’t throw anything away. Think about it.

Similarly, there is no They. No They to be responsible for everything that goes wrong. No They to say what they say. There is just We. We are all in this together.

Who are They?
Those casting the blame claiming justice for us because a scant few were persecuted.

In Africa, there is the term Ubuntu. James Clear wrote How can I be happy if you are sad? It’s an eye opening tale. In there, he explains that we are all in this together, Ubuntu. Archbishop Desmond Tutu refers to Ubuntu as:

“A person with ubuntu is open and available to others… that comes from knowing that he or she belongs in a greater whole and is diminished when others are humiliated or diminished.”

- Desmond Tutu

To dehumanize another is first to be dehumanized, to distant oneself from inherent goodness. It’s painful to be distant. It can make us crazy. We do crazy things. We later wonder was that me, really? Or fraternize with others similarly pained. Being innocent isn’t sufficient. Standing by when others are dehumanized is equally distancing.

What’s your stand? What do you stand for?

Ready to make that stand:


When the ego learns to trust the adult


Want not, try not