A Man In Love

Our culture promotes the notion we fall in love with our one and only soul-mate.

Since when is falling not a bad thing. Don’t knees get skinned, shins get bruised.

What if we are already all in love, connected by universal love? Then, it is just a matter of peeling away that which inhibits the connection.

When we fall in love, we imagine this other will make us happy. Not a task anyone really wants to take on. He/She will make me happy by filling in the parts that are missing, that I gave away to conform and be safe. My void, my emptiness will be whole.

In time the infatuation wears off. The sex isn’t enough. No what falling in love is is a brief glimpse at what it is to be in self-love, whole again. Or just in love rather than in love with.

A man in love.


Meet sorrow with gratitude


Black Wolf, White Wolf