Depressed or Unhappy. Which is it?

How do you know? I thought I was depressed. Others thought I was depressed. Most my life. I'm not so sure. It's well known male depression is a big issue. Certainly many are clinically depressed. Are the rest depressed or unhappy? That is to say in a steady state of unhappiness. I've noticed unhappy men consider happiness an emotion something they feel, a feeling. As such, there is little control. It's dependent on my circumstances. At some point I decide to do something about it. Hopefully. What if rather than depressed I am unhappy? And I know how to do something about it. I can return to happy and the strength and power there to improve my circumstances. What if I never let them take away my happiness in the first place. They can take away my joy but not my happiness. That is mine. Nobody and nothing takes that away. I make me happy. Nobody, nothing else can.


Whole Again

