
Happy with. In love with. The focus seems to be always on the outside. I am happy with how you look. I am in love with my children. I am happy with my job, my car, my, my, my.

How about: I am happy? Just that. What would that mean? I am happy with me? I am good and that is enough.

And, what if it were sufficient to be a man in love? Not in love with? Just simply in love. Then love and happy are states of being rather than emotions dependent on things and people outside of me over which I have no control and eventually will stop “making me happy”.

It isn’t they who make me happy. It’s the story I make up about them. I make me happy. If I am depressed and unhappy (perhaps they are the same), I choose things that annoy me to complain about. I make up stories based on my beliefs to re-enforce those beliefs. When I am happy, I choose to think about those things about which I have stories that bring me joy. In effect, I attract joy.

Happy attracts joy.

Great Guys are happy and in love. Come be a Great Guy. You’ll love being happy.




Daily Practice