The Journey Back

We start out innocent, good, happy, loved. Life happens. Ego develops. Ego develops survival strategies. Survive our parents, our peers, our heartbreaks. Ego is driving the bus. It’s as it should be. It’s how our DNA survives. Ego protects it.

However, immediate gratification, dehumanizing, pursuing catches up with us. We sense a moral bankruptcy. The journey back begins. Back to innocent, good, happy, loved, alive, forgiven. At first, it’s subtle. Momentum grows. Better choices are made. Conscious decisions to forgo ego’s direction. Relationships matter, grow, are nurtured.

Good happens. Angels show up. The destination appears ahead. Appears appealing. Preferable. Instead of a choice now there is only one choice. The invitation is taken. A difference is made.


Falling in Love


Inherent Goodness