Now, This is Making Love!

Seriously. Is there a more poorly understood concept than this?

If we are all connected in love, how can one make love?

Is it love or loving we are talking about? Or is it sex?

Isn’t this a hold over from before the pill? The notion that good girls didn’t have sex. Making love, though, that was another thing. Let’s call it that. Then, she can still be good. Both the guy and girl buy into this little lie.

No, making love is everything else. As a French woman once said: “From the end of the last orgasm to the beginning of the next.” It’s everything else that sets the mood. It’s all those loving acts, words, looks, touches that say you are important to me, our relationship is important to me, I am thinking of you. It’s the intimacy that enriches the union.

We have three dogs. I pick up the poop thinking: “Wow, now this is making love!”


Rite of Passage


Notice all that's right