Loving Kindness Over Justice

Choosing loving kindness over justice is my practice, my discipline. It’s what I do. All too often badly. That’s why it’s a practice: something you have to do over and over to get better at it. And a discipline: it takes discipline, conscious awareness and intent.

Why? Because often Justice isn’t justice at all. It’s injustice. It’s vengeance. Vengeance for all the past injustices.

It takes being in my adult, waiting for the ego to let go. Waiting for the ego to remember to trust the adult.

Often it leads to the Strategy of Doing Nothing. Or Tell Me More. Doing Nothing has been proven over and over to be an outstanding strategy. How was it proved? By doing just the opposite.

However, there are times where Justice is called for to serve the Great Good. This is the challenge. To recognize those times and then proceed with loving kindness.


I Love You So Very Much

