I am not my story

There are few things more powerful than realizing that “I am not my story”. We all have stories. And it is good to tell our stories in the radical acceptance of a non-judgmental men’s group. That acceptance is comes partly from the fact we all have stories. I’d rather not be judged about mine and so withhold judgment of yours. In a healing group, there is no advantage in judgment because there is no agenda to seek advantage.

Having told my story and releasing the bound up energy being consumed constantly to contain the shame and guilt I fear will be judged, I am able to turn towards more positive pursuits of a meaningful life.

At that point, realizing I am not my story puts me on a new trajectory. That was then. This is now. I am me now. What I stand for now. Letting go of attachment to my story releases frustrated expectations and resentment.


Me, Too.


Stanley, Buddhist Dachshund