Good Happens

I’ve been asked: “Do you believe in God?” Seems innocent enough. But, is it? I think when asked that question what is really being asked is: “Do you believe in the God I believe in?” It’s not a question I can answer just because I don’t know nor do I wonder do you know just what God you believe in. Despite there being only one God or God in three or whatever there’s all kinds of nuance: merciful, omnipotent, has a plan, etc.

What I can say unequivocally is that I believe Good Happens. I know this to be true. It’s not just that I believe it’s true. It’s not a matter of faith. I have witnessed it over and over to the point I know it’s true. And, I think others do, too. I was a frequent church goes for many years. One Sunday the pastor asked: “Have you ever experienced God in your life?” Throughout the rather large sanctuary, hands flew up. Now, again I don’t know how they all knew it was God but I am certain they knew it was Good.



